Saturday, October 5, 2013

New landscaping, dining room table and barstools & fall colors- Oct 2013

Can you tell these red maples received some water this summer??

So beautiful right off the deck.

This is out the master bedroom window.

Tucked in color!!!  We were so worried about the drought last summer and what it would do to the mature trees.   Now we can relax.....the trees are letting us know that they are fine and love us as their new caretakers.

The sun came out off in the distance on the hillside way out on the horizon.

The color keeps changing and is more vibrant everyday!!

 Landscaping by Natural Element - Jacob Turner (Formerly Piotter Nursery)

 Winter Berry Holly bushes out by the street.   Double click to get a close up of the berries!

 Out of order but had to include the lovely maple turning color off the back deck.

 False Cypress trees will be used as a border between us and the neighbor.

 Abelia bushes line the north side of the drive by the street.    Grow 2 to 4 feet tall.

 Beauty Berry bushes are on the south side of the drive out by the street.   Flowers in summer.

 Close up of the Beauty Berry......double click so you can see the purple berries.   Flowers in summer.

 Prairie Dropseed grasses are dwarf grass out by the street.   Too cute!!

 Abelia in the foreground and Fothergilla out in the center of the yard.

 Witch Hazel tree sitting back by the house tucked in the big rocks.   Blooms in January/February.

Helebores are up next to the walk.   They are evergreen and bloom purple flowers in February!
They grow to about 24" tall.

 Table made out of quarter sawn white oak by Lou Swacker.

 With a light gray white wash stain.

 Seats 6 comfortably.

New barstools at the bar.